Private Sub Command1_click()
Dim search as variant
sstr = InputBox("Enter Author to Search") ' Display a Input Box Window
data1.recordset.findfirst "Author='" & sstr & "'" ' Look for the record that has a value "sstr"
If trim(sstr) <> "" then
If data1.recordset.nomatch then 'check if the record exist
MsgBox "No record Exist"
data1.recordsource = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Author='" & sstr & "'" ' Display all the Records that has a Value of "sstr"
data1.refresh ' refresh the DBGRID or MSFLEXGRID
End if
End if
End Sub
' Code:
' Code Ro Dar Form_Load Copy Konid
Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + App.Path + "\DataBase.mdb" + ";Persist Security Info=False"
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from TableName "
' End Code
اکتیوایکس های جدید ocx
* نام کنترل کاربرد حجم به kb ## 1 3Dabm7u برای طراحی دکمه های کریستالی و زیبا 378 دانلود 2 MediaButton دکمه ای ساده اما شبیه به دکمه های XP 11